Friday, April 1, 2011

New Corner

I really wanted to rent a tiller yesterday, but since my car is still in the shop for routine maintenance and I have a loan car, I didn't have a way to get it home.  It actually turned out to be good, because it forced me to do some things around the backyard in preparation for the weekend work.

I started unearthing the garden shed (har har, see what I did there?)  Over the dark times cold snap it had become a dumping ground for things that were just in the way and it desperately needs some organization.  So I did a little of that, which resulted in a trip to Goodwill and a trip to my local (behind the shed) recycling center. 

Then I decided I would tackle the spigots on my rain barrels.  Some of them just have the hoses attached with a clamp, which likes to fall off and rinse your shoes.  Handy, and yet...  I had marginal success there.  I need to measure the spout on the rain barrel before I can finish it.  I knew that going into the project, but I forgot, and remembered after I had left the house.  I tried to wing it but failed.

I was out zipping around town in my 2011 loan car (which has the super-charged engine, unlike mine -- oh my) and decided I would try to find an outdoor nylon-y rug to go under my chairs.  I wanted something I could just hose off when it got dirty, that would dry fast.

I looked at Home Depot -- mostly just because I was there -- and Big Lots.  I was bracing myself for WalMart or Garden Ridge if necessary, but wheeled into a favorite store, Cost Plus World Market.  I struck gold:

They had several to choose from in this 6' x 8' size.  I almost got the more conservative brown toned one, but opted to be bold (BE BOLD!  LOL)  instead.  It was reasonably priced and made of the exact material I was looking for.  When I first unrolled it, I was worried that it was too beach-y.  But in the end, I decided I like it.  The green stripe matches the sprouts on the yoga platforms* perfectly, and the blue matches the two blue rain barrels I have -- unless I opt to paint them.  I think I need to scoot it back some, so there isn't such a landing pad in front of it.  And obviously I need to even out the ground below and then use landscape staples to smooth it out and tack it down.  Blissfully the photo is taken from far enough away that (I hope) you can't tell how badly those chairs need some sandpaper and a teak protectant.  And then there's my pot of cilantro on the table, all happy in the sun.

*  Love.   I have been using them for yoga and star gazing.  In the evenings I start out doing yoga, and end up star gazing.  Do you have the Skyscape ap on your iPhone for constellations?? OMG!  Fab.

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