My street is part of a Conservation District -- among other things that means that I cannot make changes to the front of my house that are inconsistent with it's original design. e.g. I cannot enclose my porch. My house is the only house on the street that still has a porch! Because the houses here are small, most folks have enclosed theirs to make more living space indoors. Even though I am prohibited from enclosing mine, it's still awesome living space and I would never WANT to enclose it! I mean, just look at it! Lots of problems get solved sitting out here.
I have the big rag rug from mom and dad's family room on the floor. I have a vivid memory of flying from Minneapolis to Dallas, and this rug was my carry on. Yes, I carried on a 9 x 12 foot rug. The joy in the trip is that I was late for my flight and I had to run with this rug around my neck and over my shoulders through the MSP terminal. Let me tell you, if you want people to part a path for you, just run with an area rug through an airport. I have had this rug for over 10 years! I have used it in various places over the years, but sometimes it has just been folded up and stored under my sofa, because I couldn't bear to part with it. I knew that someday I would have a place that it would be perfect for.
Then I have the four big floor pillows. I made these years ago because I love sitting on the floor. The fabrics have a little bit of everything in them, so they always match something.
Then, recall from a earlier post the Smith & Hawken store closing sale? Enter the three copper "I Dream of Jeannie" citronella oil candles! Perfect for chasing off the mosquitos and giving a little bit of hazy light.
And then there is the wrought iron glider for those who don't want to sit on the floor.
I love to sit out here and read, sip coffee or wine, and watch the neighborhood go by. I'm trying to teach Greta to enjoy it too, but so far she insists on being on full alert when she's out there. You can imagine that isn't terribly restful -- but I'm hoping an old dog can learn a new trick.