Alas, no photo.
This week I am having another round of "Vic Magic" in my house, and one of the projects was to take out the phone shelf and build in a bookcase. I did hire an electrician and to get the phone jack in working order but apparently the wiring was too far gone. (And I have since then actually laid eyes on the wiring and I must say I am not surprised... it wasn't tin cans and a string, but it wasn't far from it.)
I don't believe the phone nook was original to the house, and therefore I did not hesitate to take it out. And now I have this great little bookcase!

The little green lamp on the top shelf may not be permanent, but for now it looks okay there. There isn't an outlet nearby (yet...) so I can't plug it in.
The next shelf holds all of the Harry Potter hardbacks -- I do miss my friend Harry. I may have to re-read them.
On the next shelf is a round mirror with 2 little mice gazing at themselves, with their arms around each other. I bought it this summer while visiting family. I just thought it was kind of cute.
And so far, the bottom shelf remains empty. Work in progress, as they say.
During demolition, Vic found a little something that was long-lost by a previous resident. As soon as I remember to snap a photo of it, I'll post about that. It was fun!
Phone nooks are obsolete nowadays. I had one in law school in Clayton, but that was still when we used land lines. Cell phones were the size of a hardback book but heavier! Bookcase is a marvelous replacement, I like it!!!
I think I want to wall paper this hallway with that natural grass wallpaper. I will probably have to hire that out, because (a) I am not a wallpaper hanger and (b) I've heard that type of wallpaper is particularly difficult to hang. I would love to do a whole room in it, but I think it's pretty expensive. It could really make the hallway though!
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