Monday, October 24, 2011

Containing the St. Augustine

Greta's patch of grass in the backyard was getting a little out of control; the pavers for the border had moved out of line, and the grass was jumping the curb, so to speak.  A little attention to corral all of that was needed.  I had seen an idea on -- can you guess -- Pinterest -- that I decided to try since I had the materials on hand; I'm all about using what I have on hand!  Cement block as a border.

A clever idea and functional.  I also like that it will be easy to remove when a better plan emerges.

Below is a view from up on my back steps.  I squared up the pavers, and took the time to dig out beneath them to bury them levelly.  It isn't much to see here, but they were bugging me in their chaos, so it feels good to have it all tidied up. 

My sage to the left of the grass has gotten huge, and the blue flowers are always covered in bees.  My three Flowering Senna in front of the grass are thriving...   You can see that I still haven't chosen plants to go into my culvert planters... and then, my sad state of empty garden boxes... some basil is about all you can see -- with the happy French Lavender in the foreground.

Do you see anything else new?  Just off the corner of the right side of the grassy patch is a yellow sculpture looking thing.  It's going to be a fountain... but I keep moving it around, trying to decide where I want it to go.  The fountain and it's story is another post, but since it ended up in the photo... you get a sneak preview.

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