Friday, May 20, 2011

Senna Alata - The Candlestick Plant

Candlestick plant lights up gardens summer through fall

I first saw this plant earlier this year when I started volunteering at the Butterfly House.  I didn't know what it was... but I immediately fell in love with it.  The blooms are huge and waxy and the plant looks so lush and tropical.  I've been reviewing the plant list of plants available at the plant sale this weekend, and was thrilled to discover that this plant will be there!  I am definitely going to buy one, and I think I'll plant it in my parkway where it will get full sun.

"This shrub attracts butterflies, birds, and bees" and it is purportedly easy to grow.  "The blooms themselves are not the only thing attractive about the plant, as it has very interesting foliage too. The leaves will remain opened wide during the day, but as the evening approaches, they close up like two hands coming together."

Continue reading on Candlestick plant lights up the garden - Houston Gardening

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