The bottom photo is more to show you the newly painted very white cabinets. So crisp, so clean... Just ignore the bit of clutter on the left there... and yes, still a few details to attend to -- but I am not going to point them out to you! (I could, and we could play the "where's Waldo" game, but I digress.)
I am a tiny bit short for the middle shelf. I can reach the bowls and things but for example, coffee cups on the back would be challenging. I may have to find a cute little kitchen step up to have around. Orange. :::grin::: I also found that this open design caused me to really evaluate what kitchen items I use and can display, and which items I have had forever and not really used and can purge! I always like that. Less is more, you know.
And then I have some problem solving to do. Where to put things like the paper towel holder, and my hooks that I used for my purse and keys... and some other minor clutter management items. I see a road trip to IKEA in my future... hopefully I can bribe a forward thinking neighbor to accompany me... So far, not counting labor (you know how expensive paralegal hourly rates are?? LOL) I guesstimate this project cost me about $300. A huge shout out thank you to my friend who GAVE ME HER CHOPSAW. It was immediately put to good use.
Over all, I am very pleased. May I remind you of the "before" -- ?
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